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Altschluderbach - Bad Maistatt - Niederdorf - Gratsch - Alttoblach


From our hotel we walk direction train station, at the Hotel Union we turn left. This road brings us gently sloping to the district of Rienz. There, where the road forks, we first keep to the right and then cross a bridge to the left. Our path now leads westwards, passes the ski lifts of the "Skicenter Rienz". The walk leads through forest and meadows to the farms of Altschluderbach, where the Wildpark with the summer residency of Gustav Mahler is located. Tip: Visit the Gustav Mahler composer's house and the animal park with native animals. Our guests receive a free entrance! From the Wildpark we follow the trail south-west and then westwards to Bad Maistatt. From here you can continue the route to Niederdorf. In Niederdorf we can take the train back to Toblach. If you are not tired yet, you can walk from the center of the village along the Rienz to the aktiv-park of Niederdorf, further to the Minizoo "Camping Olympia", to the Gratsch, to Alttoblach and back to Neutoblach to the hotel.
3,5 h
Difference in altitude
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